Unbeatable Trucking Service
Starting from loading to unloading and maintaining the highest standards in terms of safety while in transit, we take nothing to chance.
Transcargo makes business flow. As one of the world’s leading non-asset-based supply chain management companies, we design and implement industry-leading solutions in both freight management.
Over 42,000 dedicated employees, working in 17 regional clusters around the globe, deliver operational excellence — to provide viable answers to the most challenging supply chain questions.
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
Special Services
Globally known for our ability to handle every last detail of our customers’ particular logistics and forwarding needs, TransCargo’s Special Services team takes care of all your logistics.
Analisi e gestione dei dati tachigrafici dei conducenti nel pieno rispetto degli adempimenti normativi vigenti
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Stipula di accordi sindacali aziendali al fine di realizzare una puntuale e più funzionale gestione del personale, consulenza in materia di gestione del personale viaggiante…
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Supporto e consulenza in materia di autotrasporto merci: contratti di trasporto, accesso alla professione…
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Assistenza e supporto per la predisposizione degli adempimenti necessari al distacco dei conducenti che svolgono operazioni lavorative al di fuori dell’Italia
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CorsiA tutte le aziende associate, Si invia in allegato il dettaglio dei corsi IRFO di prossima attivazione. I corsi rinnovo CQC della fase autunnale sono in via di definizione. Ci sarà la possibilità di...
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Autotrasporto FiscaleA tutte le aziende associate, siamo lieti di comunicare che l’associazione AstraCuneo svolge il servizio di recupero accisa francese su gasolio (TIC-PE) per le proprie aziende associate. Chiunque fosse interessato è pregato di...
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Autotrasporto EventiDomenica 9 giugno 2024 una delegazione della nostra Associazione si è riunita presso l’Agriturismo ” Nona Cita ” di Cavour dove si è svolto l’ottavo Raduno Piemontese Veterani Autotrasporti Internazionali. Una manifestazione nata...
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Progressively generate synergistic total linkage through cross-media intellectual capital. Enthusiastically parallel task team building e-tailers without standards compliant initiatives. Progressively monetize client-centric outsourcing with excellent communities.
Progressively generate synergistic total linkage through cross-media intellectual capital. Enthusiastically parallel task team building e-tailers without standards compliant initiatives. Progressively monetize client-centric outsourcing with excellent communities.
Progressively generate synergistic total linkage through cross-media intellectual capital. Enthusiastically parallel task team building e-tailers without standards compliant initiatives. Progressively monetize client-centric outsourcing with excellent communities.
Progressively generate synergistic total linkage through cross-media intellectual capital. Enthusiastically parallel task team building e-tailers without standards compliant initiatives. Progressively monetize client-centric outsourcing with excellent communities.
Progressively generate synergistic total linkage through cross-media intellectual capital. Enthusiastically parallel task team building e-tailers without standards compliant initiatives. Progressively monetize client-centric outsourcing with excellent communities.
We were previously using an unreliable company with a very complicated registration and transfer process. Then we found TransCargo and the control came back to us.
Steve McDonald
I’ve been happy with the services provided by TransCargo LLC. Samantha Culligan has been wonderful! She has returned my calls quickly, and she answered all my questions!
Anna Briggs
This is due to their excellent service, competitive pricing and customer support. That’s becoming so distant and digital, it’s throughly refreshing to get such a personal touch.
Jonathan Adams
What makes us special?
Over 42,000 dedicated employees, working in 17 regional clusters around the globe, deliver operational excellence.
and Storage
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+3 864-784-4848
10 Via Della Consordia Road, S3 7ME Madrid, Spain
+1 212-226-3126
14 Mao Road, N1 4EP, Los Angelos, USA
+1 212-226-3126
148 Commercity Isola Road, M1 R43 New York, USA
+3 864-784-4848
10 Via Della Consordia Road, S3 7ME Miami, USA
+1 212-226-3126